OPALE combines IT consulting and solution integration, in a sustainable company dedicated to professionnal computer graphics and medical imaging.
Phone: +33(0)1 4343 9898 - Email: contact@opale.fr
Our mission is to advise and to accompany, under a watchful eye, our customers throughout the entire project management (e.g. technical statements formulation).
A single contact coordinates the various actors (industrials, manufacturers, ...) of the project.
Our mindset, dedicated and focused, is devoted to your requirements: you can rely on our availability, responsibility and commitment in a qualitative approach.
Image and video files are a considerable amount of data and generate huge flows, requiring a specific expertise which cannot be improvised. Our solutions and services are based on the 25-years experience of an in-house multidisciplinary expert team.
OPALE, as a consulting and engineering company, is member of the CINOV federation.
True commitment for a socially responsible entreprise has always guided our choices and actions in the fields of innovation as well as social, environmental, economical and financial management. This "responsible" mindset is reflected by the quality of our missions and by our relationship with our partners, our staff and our clients.
OPALE founding members start working on DEC and Apple computers as early as 1983 • They build OPALE in 1988, determined to offer to businesses a support in information technology.
From the outset, OPALE addresses professionals from medical and computer graphics milieus. It raises its skills in servers, IT management, data-intensive storage and sharing. Along these lines, OPALE participates in clinical research thanks to the accuracy of its knowledge and to its ability to manage complex projects.
Appreciated for the reliability of its solutions and for its commitment,
OPALE celebrated its 25th birthday in 2013.
We know the working methods of your domain. We provide expertise, experience and the best IT practices possible to assist you in your day-to-day work.
Our job is to advise and assist our clients. We ensure integration, management, and evolution of your IT infrastructure and workstations.
OPALE manages 10 Petabytes daily.
Any technical failure is detrimental to your productivity. Entrust your computing infrastructure to qualified professionals who understand your specific deadlines. Stay focused on your work.
Streamline your production process by enjoying the benefit of our upstream expertise on the equipments and methodologies that will optimize your business processes.
You have access to a single point of contact which ensure the consistency of every aspect of your computer system and its infrastructures. We are building on 25 years of experience to propose you long-lasting solutions and a provision of services that keeps its promises.
The risks - fire, flood, theft, malware - are real. Replacing the hardware is not enough to compensate for the loss or the corruption of your data. Take advantage of our know-how in backup and recovery : proven hardware solutions, operational procedures and Disaster Recovery Plans.
We pay special attention to your tools, we know your software and we customize them according to your specific business requirements. You can rely on us : advice, end-user support, change management support for software upgrades, on-site or external personalized training.
For more than twenty years, Apple Professional Solutions are at the core of OPALE's Know-How.
Here is a glimpse of what we set up for our customers.
Independent from any supplier, we freely choose and integrate the pertinent technologies that your project requires.
Safe lan2lan interconnexion of four remote locations with a 1GB access to the 3D VFX CAD Server (130 Mac and PC Workstations) and to a 96-core render farm. Production server fully replicated in a private Cloud. Daily operational monitoring of comprehensive infrastructure and of individual workstations. Consultancy and technology watch.
SAN production server incorporating an Ekta scanning workflow, color management chain, large format printing on two 60-inch plotters. Long-term archiving on LTO tapes and collaborative tool.
Full 10GB, fully redundant, local data network. Eighty 3D Workstations, five VFX real-time workstations and one 40-node render farm.
Post-production SAN server with media asset management software. 9 FCP video-editing workstations. Automated flow ingest, encoding and delivery. Long-term archiving on LTO.
Technical audit, IT infrastructure streamlining and monitoring, including 8 servers (groupware, active directory, open directory, database server, accountancy, intranet, web-based collaboration platform, remote backup) hosted partly locally and partly in a private cloud. Securization of all flows and remote access. Automated on-site and remote backup strategy. Day-to-day support of 60 users. Recommendation of professional tools. Design, planning and organisation of continuing vocational training sessions.
Restoration of the computer hardware, operating system and application software of Zapping Zone, the interactive multimedia art by Chris Marker, consisting of 7 Apple II computers, color monitors and 5" and 3,5" floppy disks.
60TB Xsan post-production server, fully replicated, 11 FCP workstations, 5 Avid Media Composer workstations, 1 Flame workstation, 3 Smoke workstations, 4 AE workstations, 1 DaVinci Resolve workstation. Active and Open directory servers integration. Mac, Windows and Linux multi-environment. IP San and Xsan clients. 2x4GB fiber-optic network and 10GB ethernet.
There exists in OPALE an atmosphere and a humane consideration
that I very much appreciate.
Atelier AER, graphic design
Unlike many other service providers, OPALE brings a comprehensive solution
that fits our needs as a communication agency.
BelleVille, communication agency
I will recommend OPALE for its professionalism and responsiveness.
Vidéo Adapt, sound & image post-production
Our interlocutors are pleasant and attentives.
Vidéo Adapt, sound & image post-production
Color chain calibration and adjustment have proven to be a tremendous time saver during production.
Atelier AER, graphic design
Our facility is evaluated and updated by OPALE on a bi-monthly basis, incidents are rare.
BelleVille, communication agency
A true relationship of mutual trust grew over the years
and OPALE have known how to prove it timely.
La Fabrique Créative, design and scenography
OPALE offered us a customized solution on budget.
News Box, audiovisual communication
OPALE keeps a critical and savvy eye on the various solutions that exists on the market
and never gets caught by any off-the-shelf or ready-made solutions.
BelleVille, communication agency
Your teams are always responsive to provide software
and hardware maintenance, at both preventive and corrective levels.
News Box, audiovisual communication
Always giving sound advices.
We are very satisfied with the services provided by OPALE as a whole.
Les Télécréateurs, production
Working with Opale is part of the very best decisions
I took as manager of a design agency.
Atelier AER, graphic design
OPALE and YAKYAKYAK, a common mindset.
Completely rewritten, Final Cut Pro X takes full advantage of the latest operating system and of the most recent machines. Final Cut Pro X (10.1) along with Mavericks and the latest Mac Pro constitutes the winning trio for video creation. With Final Cut Pro X, Apple re-imagined the way we will work tomorrow.
The outcome : A tremendous power in the hands of the creatives. At last, with Final Cut Pro X, we focus on what really matters : the image. No more convoluted or uselessly complex settings. FCPX offers us to set what is needed only and only when it is needed. We keep on being immersed in the image all along the editing process and the exports gain in speed and quality.
By Olivier Vigneron from YakYakYak.
You plan to improve your Xsan infrastructure ?
Increase its storage capacity, modify its parameters, add functionalities. You need consulting or support ?
Specialists in servers and on Apple environment for more than 25 years, we are familiar with the Mac and Xsan since their inception. We can answer your questions and respond quickly. Based on our experience, we will help you migrate to other SAN & NAS technologies better suited to the present-day requirements of post-production.
We know your professions. Depending on your organizational structure or your speciality, we integrate solutions dedicated to medical imaging and clinical studies.
We build turnkey solutions matching your project's requirements. We chose the adequate technologies, independently from the manufacturers.
OPALE manages over 200 million Dicom images every day.
Our expertise allow us to ensure the enduring usability of your IT system.
Use Mac workstations that will grant you access to the power of OsiriX, the software, combined with the reliability of Apple tools. For diagnostic purpose, we conceived an innovative quality control system which complements OsiriX MD.
Manage your DICOM images and your reports in an archiving system or a PACS that is easily scalable and suits the needs of your structure.
Manage, compare and secure your images in a smooth working environment.
In a context of tele-diagnosis or of exchanges with partner sites, take advantage of our know-how. Gain efficiency and streamline your processes while still complying with the confidentiality and security norms.
Building on our experience, we offer dedicated clinical research solutions and cohorts management :
Optimize your Staff meetings by the use of an OsiriX PACS solution which complies with your requirements for speed and for multi-screen displays.
Here are a few projects that we have completed. We bring you a solution that fits to your structure, its size, your speciality, your goals and chalenges.
For a private clinic, implementation of a 50TB multidisciplinary multimodality dicomXserver Mac PACS system, including 35 OsiriX workstations (MRI, CT, angio, radio).
Multisite dicomXserver PACS System including a DICOM delivery system dedicated to emergency and specialities - automated forwarding of key images and reports via secure emails to the clinicians. Operational management of network, security and internet links.
OsiriX PACS system with dedicated workstations for a veterinary clinic specialized in imaging and surgery - scanner imaging, MRI, radio, ultrasound. Access to images from the operating rooms.
Dicom PACS dedicated to nuclear medicine - intelligent delivery workflows of studies and multisite research. Network management, security and internet links - operational management of technical actors.
Archival storage of anonymized studies with a non-reversible nomenclature for clinical study purposes.
Archiving multimodality multidimensional Mac system including a dedicated OsiriX workstation. Quick integration of CD and DVD operated through an appliance having an advanced routing capability.
UniX Mac PACS (public - private - mixte) integrating prior studies pooling via an automated workflow. PDF and paper documents dicomization for the purpose of patient's medical record integration.
Creation and implementation, on Mac and Ipad, of an innovative system designed to deal with children's anxiety when they undergo painful treatments.
Web server designed to integrate dose measurements (X-rays) in patient's medical record. Multiframe dicomization plugin for video files.
Anonymization system for medical imaging data coming from 8 national sites and encrypted dispatch thereof in order to constitute a 10 years consolidated cohort ; operational management of each public and private stakeholder. Comprehensive monitoring of the cohort through a specific workflows management tool (eCRF / DICOM imaging / biological samples / quality control).
A major strength of OPALE is to be the single point of contact
for any aspect of our Information System.
(medical imaging, IT management, multisite supervision).
Physician and manager of a nuclear medicine center - Morbihan
OPALE's hotline ease of use : a single phone number,
a caring and readily available dedicated contact,
a real-time support for users issues.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
We are fully satisfied by the services of OPALE,
be it for the quick and efficient deployment of our PACS,
or for the availability of its technical support.
Physician and manager of a nuclear medicine center - Morbihan
In my view, the greatest qualities of OPALE are proficiency,
service, responsiveness and people skills.
Head of a Research and Studies Centre, Lyon
The OPALE company tailors its solutions to the needs of medical imaging practice
and not the other way round.
The investments are perfectly mastered with reasonable and coherent costs.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
I would recommend OPALE for its simplicity in relationships,
in project planning and in solutions deployment.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
The capacities to listen, to give advise and to be responsive
are the 3 main criteria for which we renew our confidence in OPALE.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
You always get someone when an urgent question arises.
The bespoke point of contact is faultless.
Veterinary Dr. specialized in medical imaging, Paris
A team of professionals always at your disposal,
able to anticipate your needs and to answer them with the highest responsiveness possible.
Head of a Clinical Research Project, Paris
Since the PACS was put into use, we did not suffer any data loss
or interruption despite two major power outages.
PACS Referring Radiologist, Meudon
With OPALE we benefit from a support and a quality of services
that we never encountered before.
Head of a Radiology unit, Albi
The PACS solution we have been using daily since 5 years suits us perfectly,
both for its reliability and for its retrieval speed of archived studies.
PACS Referring Radiologist, Albi
We have now hindsight on the implementation and the replacement
of several archiving systems in collaboration with OPALE.
It should be noted, each time, the reliability of the systems installed.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
OPALE has the Spirit of APPLE-before-2000 :
Expertise, sociability, reliability, high quality of the products.
I am delighted that OPALE kept such a bent.
Head of a Research and Studies Centre, Lyon
Given our demand for continuing use, OPALE offers a particularly effective
preventive and curative maintenance service.
PACS Referring Radiologist, Albi
We do appreciate the solutions and systems implemented by OPALE
because we forget them... This means that everything works fine.
That is the best compliment possible for an IT solution.
Head of a Research and Studies Centre, Lyon
Improvement proposals were suggested with full knowledge of our condition and needs.
Veterinary Dr. specialized in medical imaging, Paris
The crucial factor when we decided to work with OPALE was the listening
and counseling skills of their managers.
Radiologist manager, Haute Savoie
The innovation and scalability of the communication and visualization systems
they set up is a significant strength of OPALE.
Physician and manager of a nuclear medicine center - Morbihan
OPALE, member of the OsiriX Foundation since it's inception, contributes actively to its spreading.
Such is the case, when providing training sessions on OsiriX, each year, on a volontary base, within the framework of a university degree.
Apple Expert, partner and distributors of OsiriX for France, we manage the implementation, training and support of the software within any medical, scientific or research institution.
OPALE is highly recommended by the OsiriX team for its expertise.
Result of a join effort between the OsiriX team and OPALE, the CE Certified french version is available. Supplied with its french manual, this version allow the use, in France, of OsiriX for diagnostic purposes.
Combine the pleasure of using a Mac with the efficiency of OsiriX MD and the EIZO medical displays qualified by OPALE. Benefit from an affordable diagnostic workstation, implemented by us in coherence with your existing working environment. The annual quality control, required for this kind of medical device, is performed by the use of our own GSDF certification tool.
SARL with a capital of 210 000€
VAT : FR01 347 677 064
Training organisation ID : 1175 137 4875